How do I sell?
Make an appointment to bring in your items, please call (808)874-0884. We intake Tuesday-Friday 10:30-3:30. We curate good condition clothing, household items designer and high end goods, antiques, jewelry and more. During your appointment we will set up your account—your items will be tracked and monitored. Then, one of our experienced staff will go through your items, in front of you. The items we don’t take you can have back or donate. Your payout is 40% of the sold item price. The items that do not sell and are not picked up will be donated.
HOw long is it in the store?
9 weeks. On the 8th week it goes half price. If you don’t wish for your items to go half price you may pick up your items before that date.
How long until my things gets on the floor? 4-8 weeks from your appointment.
If you don’t wish for your unsold items to be donated you may pick everything up at the end of the 8 weeks. If not picked up items will be donated.
What about the money?
What is my cut? 40% of the sale price of sold items. What is not sold is given back to you or donated. You are not paid for unsold items.
Do I get a say in the pricing? Sometimes. We have a standard policy for most items but will gladly take your input as long as you're willing to take ours.
When do I get my money? Come to the store anytime for cash or check.